Monday, December 01, 2008

On another note...

The city is still in terror over the past week's horrific events, but with the Mumbai people's confidence and courage they can overcome the trauma caused by the attacks. Hundreds of innocent people succumbed to the terrorist attacks and now the city is coming together and launching an anti-terror campaign with the hope of recovery. Not to mention the roles played by the brave Mumbai Police, NSG and ATS leaders who stepped forward risking their lives to save the people brought down the death toll within this limits.
The city had funerals everywhere and it was indeed a mournful weekend for the city. It was on this note that I happened to read the news about the inhumane and insensitive comments made by the Kerala Chief Minister towards the mourning family of the slain NSG commando Sandeep Unnikrishnan. It has been all over the news, his words literally translating to "If it had not been (Major) Sandeep’s house, not even a dog would have glanced that way." Such was the height of the callous nature shown by the CM, that made Sandeep's father turn him and the home minister away and asked them to leave his house.

Happened to see this video and thought of sharing.